I am attempting to plot a force-displacement curve in Abaqus but am encountering an error. I've imported a beam (iges file) and then used the 'tools' to create a reference point . After that create a, set (geometry, name=set-1). In the 'Step' module, I generated a 'History Output' and selected...
I have done it, but this inp file only contains the geometry consisting of many elements. There is no information about the load, boundary conditions, material properties, etc. If I have to do this manually, I have to select each element and specify the different loads and boundary conditions...
I have performed a topology optimization in Abaqus. Now I want to conduct a static analysis of this optimized model in Abaqus and plot a force/displacement diagram. What is the easiest way to achieve this? I have tried exporting the file as an .inp, but it only contains the geometry. There...