As a matter of fact I did consider an appeal to the board. I submitted an application for retroprocity a couple years ago and was declined because of my degree. I think with any rejection they give you an opportunity to approach the board and discuss your case. I spoke with a couple of the...
Excellent suggestions. I have approached the dean at my alma mater along with several former classmates in my same situation. The state that I am trying to become registered is Florida. I am currently registered in Alabama. The dean basically tells me that they have gone round and round with...
Interesting. My employer is not necessarily giving me problems about having a non-ABET accredited degree. The problem is it sometimes becomes cumbersome with cost implications because we have to "locate" others engineers within the company who are registered, qualified, and available...
I graduated with a BS degree in Civil Engineering in 1987. The state university I attended offered mechanical, electrical, chemical, and civil engineering programs. During my tenure, the civil engineering program was 20 plus years old. As a student I can recall the Dean talking about ABET...