How would you analyze the stability of the material? I have simulated my simulation model identically to the real experiment and, strangely enough, I get an excellent fit of the simulation data and the real experiment with the unstable material model. With the stable material, on the other hand...
hello thank you for answer,
i understand its a different order. But why does the better fit match as unstable, and the worse fit as stable? If you compare the plots you can see it .
Hello, thank you for your answer i did that already.
By accident i opened a new Thread, i am sorry. I dont understand why the good correlation is unstable and the bad one stable, when the fits are not...
Hello, can someone explain to me why the first plot is stable in the material evaluation and the second is not? This makes no sense to me. Test data from compression test are entered with a negative sign (-strain and -stress).
How do you do?
I would like to simulate a substitute test for the compression test for hyperelastic materials in Abaqus. I have experimentally determined a lattice structure, test data from a compression test and transverse contraction number.
Now my question is:
If I enter the test data for...
I have a question about the feasibility of using the conventional Abaqus GUI without scripting.
The following case:
I have already set up a homogenised Abaqus model in which hyperfoam material cards/data are assigned to the elements. I have a hyperelastic case with very large...
thank you for your input. I have fixed all DOFs except for U3 for the forced deformation.
I am currently still using Static, General. I am not sure if I have defined my contacts correctly.
The cylinder is a discrete rigid body and the rectangle is my model to be compressed by the...
I am talking about an indentation test according to ISO 2439, in which a cylindrical punch is inserted into the part of a total surface up to a deformation of 40% of the initial height.
I think my model represents this case, or am I wrong? Thanks for the input!
Hello, I have already been able to simulate a compression test over the entire surface with my model in Abaqus and the test data fits.
Now I would like to simulate an indentation (local) compression test, but my simulation terminates prematurely.
I am using a self-created and validated...
Hello, are there any suitable alternatives for tetrahedrons? It is impossible to select the elements of the plane perfectly with the individual free choice. The same struts of the wrong plane are always packed into the set.
Hello, for hex elements I can assign element sets level by level using the topology command. Unfortunately, this no longer works for tetrads. What possibilities are there in Abaqus to add all elements of a row (layer) to a set without having to select them individually? Ideally without a script...
Hello all,
I have a question about the unit system of simulation results in Abaqus. I have built a simulation model and modeled my model sketch directly in Abaqus in millimeters. My input data for the hyperelastic material model are MPa and strain (specified as 0.6 instead of 60%). Furthermore...