I have a client with a 40+ acre lake and is aerating the water. I need to know to determine the amount Nitrogen that the aeration system is removing from the Lake. Can someone help point me in the right direction to determine this?
Thank you,
Attached is the EPANET model input file.https://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=619e7d72-4f17-4e17-999f-3b4bd1931e25&file=INCLUDES.ALL.UPSTREAM.NODES.LAKE.FANTASIA.FM.2024.01.03.net
Hi fel3,
I revised my pipe diameters to have inside diameters for Pressure Class 235 psi (DR 18) per a minimum spec found online; 4.23” ID for 4” nominal and 6.09” ID for 6” nominal. I included new upstream and downstream junctions and piping located around the pump as shown in the graphics. I...
Thank you very much fel3. I am not trying to maintain a certain flow, but I do want it to get the water to the discharge point. I will take a look at it in the morning. Again, thank you so much!
Hello again trashcanman,
Also attached is the EPANET input file for your use.https://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=a4ca7747-16c5-4cb9-91c7-3cbb04a1a9d5&file=LAKE.FANTASIA.FM.2024.01.02.net
Hello trashcanman,
Attached is a graphics input/output package providing the project plan with an aerial base, flow diagram showing all requested information including the existing pump curve. The junctions have state plane coordinates. I am not experienced enough with EPANET to provide a...
I want to perform a flow analysis for a proposed stormwater force-main utilizing EPANET. I have input the system with reservoir upstream of a pump, the existing pump curve, a series of pipe segments with their proposed diameters, and elevations at all of the junctions to a discharge...