thank you to everyone who has given feedback on this tank project, but it looks like it may have ben a waist of time, we where passes on by the owner after they reviewed our proposal, so unfortunately we wont be doing the work. But this info was very helpful and will likely be used for the next...
@LITTLEiNCH Believe it or not that tank was built between 2007 and 2009, we don't have the drawings or calcs of this tank, and no one can identify who designed it, not even the client who owns it.
The company who owns the tank is doing other work on this site, and had county inspectors out for...
So this tank is used to store water used in the fire suppression system at this site, and the reason for anchoring is because the county that this site is in saw that the tank was just sitting on a gravel pad with no anchors, and said you got to get this anchored down., the soil is not visable...
Hello, so the small firm I'm with in the central Valley of California, has a job to figure out how to anchor an existing 140k gallon Fire Water tank. this water tank is not normal in the fact its sitting on wood (2x4 framing) on course gravel, no concrete foundation. SO how do we secure this...