To be more specific, the rod is actually a two-force member. So, the perfect geometry has no imperfection. However, there is manufacturing tolerances, hole tolerance between the centerline of the threaded hole and the centerline of the adapter. As the structure is imperfection sensitive, the...
Yes, I have carried out a nonlinear buckling analysis with arc-length method (a.k.a. Modified Riks) along with an induced imperfection. A validation test is to be carried out. However, I expect some plasticity and maybe premature crack or even a total collapse of the structure since we did not...
Actually both rod ends and the adapter part in the model are meshed with very fine tet10 elements. contact region is modeled with Tie contact in, which is similar to Glue Contact in Nastran. The imperfection is given to the model via use of first linear buckling mode shape displacements. as per...
I have been doing structural analyses of a pushrod assembly of a mechanism. The pushrod assembly has two rod ends and an adapter in between. Rod ends with male threads are attached to the adapter with female threads via cut threads with UNJF profile.
After fine tuning the length of...