Hi Uppili11,
when the leads are shorted together,a high current will flow in the windings.Do you agree that this current will cause a magnetic field in opposition to the existing permanent magnet magnetic field (Lenzs Law) meaning that generated EMF value will suddenly drop?
Hi Uppili11,
OK,I got all that.
Now what happens if you short together the two output leads when-
A) the rotor is stationary,then begins to rotate to full speed,and
B) the rotor is spinning at full speed, and the alternator is at max output?
Hi Brian G,
I don't think I'm explaining myself very well here.
Forget zeners,bikes and batteries for now.
What is the theoretical relationship between EMF,back EMF, magnetic flux strength,current etc etc in a simple alternator (such as these) under conditions of no load,light load,full load and...
Hello BrianG,
thanks for the reply.
I know zeners produce (unwanted) heat in operation,but their main task is to pass current,or conduct,at a given voltage.
When they conduct, they pass current effectively across the alternator output leads.
The Lucas workshop manual of the time details a bench...
Hi Melone,
what I need to know,is when the zener diode conducts it effectively shorts the alternator output leads together.What then happens internally to the alternator with regard to magnetic field strength,EMF and output?
British motorbikes of the 1960s were fitted with a simple two-wire stator alternator,consisting of six poles wired in series,with a permanent magnet rotor inside.
Voltage control was a zener diode in parallel with the battery and bridge rectifier output.
I wish to know what happens to the...