1928 Bungalow, 10" block foundation with rotted mud sill in back corner stairwell (BAD) design
Is it code to replace lower 31" tall wood wall with 4" hollow CMU to match existing rock face block 4 courses above grade?
Thanks for your reply
My frost line is 48" So you're saying build footing at 4' from buildings grade? not 7'?
yes this would just omit the stone wall.
Then this new wall tied in with rest of slab would act like new retaining wall?
For cost reasons, what depth and distance inward from wall face...
Hi, new here, what is the recommendation upon building a 650sq ft.structure as close to a 3' tall Lannon stone retaining wall? If I propose to set an 18" deep footer as a monolithic/floating 5" slab w/ #4 rebar, the 1 to 1, angle of repose, would be 18" lateral from face of said wall? correct...