The project im working on is 4 different sections and im using hydrocad for the rest of them so I just want to keep the report consistent. I will have a look into EPA SWMM for future, thanks.
So, should I be accounting for storage all the way up to the elevation of the previous check dam base...
Okay, that makes sense. When I define storage above the crest, am I on the right track to do it as so:
The outlet elevation of my weir is 1175 and my storage goes up to 1175.1
I think if I do this correctly then the storage should span in elevation up until the next check dam.
Thank you for the response.
The objective was to see the feasibility of using check dams in the swale.
Using the check dam spacing equation the actual requirement be 5 ft spacing and 170 check dams to effectively slow down the flow, pool water, and limit erosion.
Eventually that may need to be...
I was wondering if my HydroCAD model for stone check basins within a swale is correct.
I have a series of pond-reach-pond-reach-pond-reach... to model 16 check dams. However I do not know if I am doing the storage and outfall routing correct. For my ponds I have detention pond with custom stage...