Thanks for the reply,
Okay, damping needs to be measured. But are there any databases or websites with approximate damping ratios for different materials?
I’m familiar with the experimental methods to determine the damping ratio of a material, but I’m wondering if there’s an alternative way to calculate it using mechanical properties alone.
For example, stiffness (K) can be derived using the formula K= (A*E)/L, where A is the area, E is the...
Thanks, Greg. You're right—I misunderstood how the linear FEA solver works.
That said, my main question is about splitting the frequency range. If I were to run separate simulations for smaller intervals, like 10-50 Hz and 50-100 Hz, would that still give accurate results? I'm particularly...
Hey everyone,
I’m working on a harmonic analysis simulation and have a question about splitting the frequency range.
Let’s say the frequency range I’m analyzing is from 10 Hz to 100 Hz. Instead of running the harmonic simulation for the entire range in one go, is it feasible to split the range...