Thank you, this is very helpful. I am a regular user of Div. 3 and rarely use linearisation or elastic analysis these days. I attended the PVP in Seattle so I will have a look at the paper you mentioned. I wonder if the SGHPV has noticed this change in Div 2. Maybe we need to open an item to...
Thank you. But this doesn't really answer my question.
I know where to find the values and which table applies to which class. My question is whether the values used to calculate the ratio Sy/Su are values at room temperature or operating temperature.
I have a question regarding the value of Sps to be used when performing a fatigue assessment in accordance with 5.5.3 of ASME Section VIII, Division 2. The value of Sps is defined in (d). Now my doubt is what values of yield and tensile strength is the code referring to in (d)(2)...