First of all, the valve will move linearly (rising stem). I think what I need to take into account here is that the shear force resulting from the torque to be applied to the valve is smaller than the shear force of the material I use. I made calculations accordingly. While the shear strength of...
Consider a straight stainless steel rod with a diameter of 40 mm. i want to calculate whether its wall thickness is sufficient. how to calculate the minimum wall thickness of a solid stem?
I made the stem diameter of an 8” C600 control valve 40 mm. According to the flat heads calculation, the minimum wall thickness value is 7.4 mm with 1,5 mm corrosion allowance. I am not sure, should I also consider the act. torque when calculating the stem minimum wall thickness?
I want to calculate the wall thickness for the lid of a pressurized vessel, but I am not sure if I am using the right formula. I used the UG-34 formula in ASME BPVC Div. 8. Do you have any suggestions?
How can I calculate the minimum wall thickness of the stem of a valve?