The point I am trying to figure out is that AI explicitly stating that something is possible in a specified software that then results in death or injury because the wrong software was suggested or applied should not be possible and could create liabilities. It should be clear to the AI what is...
I understand that AI can lie but I assume that there would be measures in place to prevent it from lying where the results it provides could lead to injury or death.
Thanks for the reply,
I am struggling to understand why this model would not be possible to be simulated with a finite element model? What model would you suggest?
Thank you for your assistance, I am familiar with the angle of repose. I am more interested in knowing the exact parameters to use to simulate the blasted material correctly. Failure criterion/suggested range of material properties in accordance with the original material.
I am tasked with assessing the slope stability of a chrome mine that is tipping blasted materials down the slope. The goal is to determine the critical span where possible failure could occur. (the maximum width/height they can tip to before the stability becomes compromised)
I have the...
I am tasked with assessing the slope stability of a chrome mine that is tipping blasted materials down the slope. The goal is to determine the critical span where possible failure could occur. (the maximum width/height they can tip to before the stability becomes compromised)
I have the...