Thanks for the feedback, never heard of the kiss rule - I'll look into that.
I did initially try a static loading scenario however didn't give me what I was looking for. The implicit dynamics route sounds good to me - I'll give that a try thanks.
Hi Stick,
Thanks for the reply!
Fairly a newbie to non-linear FEA analysis myself, However thanks for pointing out the force per unit length- missed that one. that certainly brings me a bit closer.
I think the asymmetrical displacements were due to my poor meshing skills - I have since...
Thanks Littleinch, I'll take a look
SWComposites, yes I understand - Maybe if I try with much smaller loads, the displacements may align. I'll take a look
JStephen, Thanks for that reply - I'll take a look into the wide beam theory, maybe that will help me out.
r6155, I am planning on testing...
Thanks for the reply! however even when applying relatively low forces on the simulation (to the extent where the deformation is mainly elastic) the values still do not align. Am I missing something?
I'm looking for ways in which I can calculate the displacement (vertical and horizontal) of a tube being crushed between two flat plates. I have managed to set up a non-linear material profile and simulate this problem using ANSYS however would like some sort of hand calculation to ensure I am...