I would like to ask those who have done triaxial tests on how to interpret data from the automatic volume change apparatus as it provides data in "mm". I don't know if the data logger lacked a certain module which transforms the reading from the LVDT used in the automatic volume change...
Here are the plots, please tell me if it cannot be viewed. The mohr coloumb line is about 5 to 6 degrees and cohesion is around 580 kPa. Thanks for your input!
Hi! So I stabilized a clay soil (CH) with the use of a geopolymer (quarry dust-based) and subjected it with wetting - drying cycles and CD Tests, however, the CD Test results gives around 1200 kPa for deviator stress no matter the confining pressure used (I used 100, 200, and 300 kPa). Now when...