The Aluminum Association has stress/strain graphs of various popular conductors and the polynomials you are looking for are on those graphs.
go to
and look for the stress strain creep curves for aluminum overhead...
Please see the attached file. I downloaded from an IEEE website within the last year but did not record from where and have not been able to find it again.
My best recommendation is to join the IEEE and then its Power Engineering Society and sign up for the PES database of papers, not the IEEE wide database (way too expensive) but just the Power Engineering database for about $50-$60 per year over the price of IEEE membership and the PES...
Take a look at this file from GE.
Might anyone have a source for or a copy of the schematic or wiring diagram for two old Westinghouse 15kV OCBs, B-28-B and B-22-B. I have the instruction book for the B-28-B breaker, No. I.B 5706A dated 9-42, Filing No. 33-000.
One cannot download monthly Cash Flow calculations in MS Project. You can only view and or print them.
I have tried different calculations in Excel but have not hit on the proper sequence of formulas to calculate monthly cash flows using only beginning and end dates of tasks and their cost...
To: Electric power engineering Forum readers
I have been charged with checking on the manhours required and costs associated with installing the pieces of a utility electrical distribution system.
Does anyone have a data source that they would be willing to share for the manhours and costs to...