First of all, I appreciate all of the responses. =D
The application is simply a loadcell (measures weight/force) hooked up to an A/D converter from which I want to read the raw counts (digital data) via the serial port on a PC. Loadcells put out voltages that typically range from 0-30mV at...
Hmmmm, suppose I should have been more specific. =) I want to communicate with the A/D converter throught the rs232 serial port of my PC with as little circuitry/programming as possible. (REALLY don't want to use a microprocessor if it can be helped at all)
What's the easiest (and cheapest) way to communicate with a SLAVE spi device (cs5531 to be exact) via rs232? Any way this can be done without a microcontroller? Is it possible to connect two slave spi devices together (the MAX3110 sure looks good if this can be done).
And please let me know...