it's true that the equation Azimuth = MOD(360+DEGREES(ATAN2((B5-B4),(C5-C4))),360)gives a positive result but i have a line with an azimuth of 36 deg from north but the equation gives me 54 deg my question is is there a way i can always get the bearing from the north in whichever quadrant the...
Atan2 is pretty cool but I have always had a problem calculating the azimuth because excel seems to give the angle from east or west and to get it to work from north is quite complicated. Does anyone have an idea how to calc the angle always from north ?
Thanks guys you are always a big help to me.
I had a similar problem and what I did was that I copied each worksheet into a brand new file. I made all the new xls files to read data from one other file that contains the data only. THIS REDUCES THE NUMBER OF FORMULAS in the multi sheet file I had before . Now I have a series of small xls...