Thanks for the response Guy. I grew up in Tucson, I hope the weather's nice.
I thought about that: having a custom collet made and simply attaching a standard dial indicator to it.
I was just hoping that there was an existing sort of tool.
Sorry I couldn't fin a more appropriate forum to post...
I'd like to measure a complex-curved part in specific locations (I can write a seperate pgm for that) while the part is still on the CNC table. Our CNC machine has an auto-tool changer. I'm imagining a measurement device (dial indicator?) installed in one of the tool positions so that the...
Thanks for the responses gents.
CorBlimeyLimey, the reason for the WMF conversion is that AutoCad text won't directly paste into solidworks. The WMF conversion tricks it into thinking it's not text?
I'm part marking hundreds of aluminum flat pattern tools, but there's got to be an easier way!
I'm currently using solidworks/solidcam, but in order to get "single-line" text to be pasted into Solidworks, I have to....
-create my text in Autocad,
-export the text as a WMF file (still...