Gcudill- As you write the best way to to reduce the inductance is to rebundling the cable in ten groups,in every group three phase cable,this will reduce the electromagntic fild.
Jghrist-I think that the skin effect is dominant in the same cable core,i am not sure this is the case.
Scrivs-if the distortion are the same at the three phases and the current not (like in your setuation)acorrding to the definition of the t.h.d the lower the current is the t.h.d will be higher, this is the reasone while doing harmonics anlyzing you have to check the amplitod of every suspced...
In digtal meter that I am familear with their is no problem because the meter calculat the sum of the energy that it measure in every phase.
If u can read all the electrical parmeter like in the CVM family of Circutor or PM family of Satec u'll be able to see it by selecting the right cod.
The C.T and V.T should suppress the individual harmonics only when they will be under saturation condition or higer then the 50th harmonics.
I would like to know if their is anther option to do it.