I have a catch basin discharging into a stone trench through a pipe. The trench is sized for the 2 year storm. Any greater storm is supposed to fill the trench and then overflow through the top of the catch basin. Is there a way to set a maximum elevation in the trench so that once the...
When using Hydraflow, you have an option to comute the system using "Full Design" which is supposed to design the system based on your design codes. If I have a minimum slope of 0.5% and a minimum cover of 4.0' specified in the design codes and use "Full Design", the result is the entire system...
We have a project that is in a FEMA Zone A floodplain. However, it is no more than a drainage swale running through an agricultural field. The Zone A area continues up to the beginning of the swale. The uppermost portion of this swale has a drainage area of less than 4 acres, This can't be a...