I want to know how do the rate of rise and the time to half value of a surge voltage determine the characteristics of a surge arresotr.Is it true 25kA(10/350us)is equal to 80kA(8/20us)? How to calculate these things?
Mr Ozeng,
In the first case Secondary ELCB tripped due the lightning strike.When manually shorted bothe tripped.In the second case even though both tripped simutaneously is there any possibility to one tripped earlier.
Some surge protectors have metal oxide varisors and some have inert gas as the conducting medium during the surge time.Which one is best? and I need the details.
There are two ELCBs(4 pole)instaled in a distribution board.
One is on the main supply (60 A,200ma) and other one for a perticular device (30 A,300ma).The tripping time of both is same 0.1s.But for a lighting time secondary was tripped but not main.After that I manually shorted the neutral and...