Does anybody have any idea how to determine the required thickness of a vessel cladding? What I have is a CS vessel to be cladded with a CRA. So is there a standard somewhere that will let you know what the minimum cladding thickness will be required. This cladding is only for corrosion...
I have not seen a code that specify the minimum spacing between welds. Based on my experience we have been using a standard spacing of 50mm or 4 x WT whichever is greater and no problem so far.
The treatment of a tank and similar items as pressure vessel should be checked against local or national codes in your area. It is not worth the time an effort to classify a tank that operates at say 15 psig just because ASME say so. Some local ordinance refer to ASME others dont. You may want...
First of all, i think you want to refer a B31.3 piping to the ASME PVC which are not necessarily similar. The requirement for PWHT between these 2 codes differ slightly.
For your question on re-doing the PWHT after a repair is done, I would say you should, i.e, if I am the client. However such...
If I am the client I would not accept the vessel without any NDT and hydrotesting. That is my only warranty for the integrity of the vessel. I dont think any responsible inspector would certify such vessel without the required hydrotest and NDT.