Ho do I calculate the resultant temperature and pressure given two air streams at two different pressures/temps?
ie Stream 1(Temp = 1180degF, +2"of H20, 300000lbs.hr)Stream 2(Temp = 284degF, +3"of H20, 191000 lbs.hr)
Area ratios accurate?
Thanks pmureiko, I wonder if you could explain in a little more detail, the following. Given the following data:
(System data in order of air flow)
Pri Fan running @ 37400ACFM & 4" @ 80 degF
Sec Fan running @ 37400ACFM & 10" @ 80 degF
PDrop across TOHeater = 3.1"
Pdrop across...
I am trying to model a pump(ID fan) and a valve(damper) in a furnace ID fan loop and am struggling to understand the interaction of pressure and flow under the following conditions. ID fan rated for 134000 ACFM @ 13" Damper is at the ID fan inlet.
If the ID fan starts with the damper fully...