To prevent the concrete from contacting the wood bearing wall a piece of felt could be placed to act as a barrier. The way the code reads however, it seems as if wood walls are barred completely from any load transfer in regards to concrete. (This pertains to structural concrete, also depends...
OSHA: Subpart R - Steel Erection (Sect. 1926.751c Structural Steel Assembly) states: "In steel framing, where bar joists are utilized, and columns are not framed in at least two directions with structural steel members, a bar joist shall be field-bolted at columns to provide lateral...
Section 2304.12(IBC 2000) and Section 2307(UBC 1997) says: "Wood members shall not be used to permanently support the dead load of any masonry or concrete."
Situation: 3" concrete floor slab.
What is the reason the building code has precluded wood walls as supports and not...