I found another way too:
You can use the loft command instead by offsetting the 3d curves by the desired extrusion length with straight (default) guide curves.
Not sure how this would work for extrude-cut sequences, but at least it works for simple extrusions.
I was wondering whether anyone knows how to extrude a 3d sketch, or extrude a 3d curve.
Basically, I have imported a curve using a .txt file and have converted it into a pseudo-profile by converting entities into a 3d sketch. However, now I cannot extrude this profile.
If you know how to...
Yeah, my sweep path was circular, however I couldn't use the revolve command. The error message stated that it needed a closed profile (which it was).
Anyway, the loft command worked splendidly
Thanks for your replies on this issue. Although I converted the entities, it didn't really seem to work well. So I found a way around it using the loft command as follows:
1. Create the beginning and end cross-sections using spline curves based on the xyz coordinates.
2. Now, using a...
I was wondering whether there is a method of creating a solid model by sweeping curves:
I created a curve that represents a cross-section of my geometry using imported x,y,z coordinates, and now I would like to sweep that cross-section through 90 degrees.
However, it appears that the...
Does anyone know how to import points in XYZ format into Solid Works?
I am trying to generate a solid model of a transition duct using points, splines and the like. Currently my data is XYZ format in Excel.