I know how to do it in Cad 14, but can't figure it out in 2000. My prints are faded in some areas depending on the layer and I don't want to go thru and change the layers just to print, and some blocks would have to be exploded which won't work.
If not pin settings, maybe a monochrome...
Probably .020" thick or so...
Does anybody know of a plastic that will hold its shape when bent? (muchlike thin aluminum would)
The part would only be about 1" x 1"...about the size of a guitar pick...
Or, even if it won't hold it's shape, what would be a good material to use...
Have you checked into aerospace materials?
We use panels made by Nordam and the 1" thick fiberglass skin honeycomb panels weigh .64 lb / ft^2 and aluminum skinned 1" thick is 1.14 lb / ft^2...