The readings were made with a hand held clamp-on ammeter used primarily for locating ground faults on our system, meter is calibrated yearly by outside firm. The meter was clamped over a 3 phase CLX cable and then read. The cables range in length from 350 ft to 1200 ft. The one in question (13...
Testing some old cables at 13.8KV, & 4160. On the 13.8 finding Zero to 1.3 amps. On the 4160 finding Zero to 2 amps except for one at 13. In the process of installing a replacement for the 13 amp find for when it blows or when I can take it down in several months.
The cables are in the range of...
If in the normal day to day scheme of things you decide to measure the ground current in a feeder cable. Lets say a 3 phase 5 KV CLX non shielded cable. What amp reading would begin to raise concerns, 1/2 amp, 1 amp, 2 amps or say just any ampere reading only.
The readings are to be taken with a...