Hi! I need to get the alternate B field of my program. For this, I have thought to make the difference between two static fields and then have the alternate field. In ANSYS, one possibility is create an ARRAY with the element reference (X,Y & Z components) and its value (for example MMF...
Jeje, I have met Ansys Folk, but they gave me "incorrect" commands, cause i am working for a private investigation in a German University and they support us. Anyway, there are some "software errors" in Ansys... we found some of them in the Emag. Thanks, i will continue...
Thanks Hacksaw, I know that i need the linear permeability, but as you know, in a 3D model, if you have a permanent magnet (modelated by a B-H Graph and a coercive force in Z axis, for example), the B-H graph will only be used in the points where the permeability has a value of 0 (In the Ansys...
Hi!! I am improving a big 3D model of a guitar pickup with string, and as u know, AlnicoV is modelated by a B-H graph and a coercive force. Once I have finish the program, and I want to solve it, I put eqsl,iccg ... ok, all make sense. But it is curious, cause if I put permeability (in the x...
Hello, i´m trying to use the LMATRIX command cause i want to calculate the mutual inductance betwwen two simple coils, but there is one error that sais : "The condictions for direct assembly have not been met. The following magnetic elements support direct assembly: 36,..... Use frontal...