I have been given the task to improve the quality/operation in comliance with cGMP of a small biotech/pharmaceutical plant. Could anyone please help to find a guide/instructions to follow.
We have a purified water storage tank, volume 2000L and the pump starts to cavitate when the level drops below 1500L.
Could someone give information on how to solve this problem or a prodecure to follow to rectify this problem
Converting l/s to kg/hr for air.
Info given is 23 l/s of air at 15C and 4 barg.
To convert 23 l/s to SCFM you multiply by 2.12 = 50.6ft3/min. 50.6 x 0.02831 = 1.43 m3/min.
Mass = D x V = 1.29 x 1.43 = 1.8kg/min = 110 kg/hr
Does this seem correct?
We have got a 1000L vessel with a vent. The vessel design Pressure is 4 barg. We pump liquid into the vessel using a diaphragm pump which is operated by using compressed air at greater than 5 barg. The pump has a relief valve set at 7 barg, to protect the pump. I believe a pressure regulator...
I am not sure if inducive pumps exsist, I think I read about the inducive pumps on this site (one of the questions)they are suppose to be a replacement for the peristaltic pumps.
The peristaltic pumps we have at work pump at a maximum flow-rate of approximately 8L/min. The pump dimensions are...