Thank you quark. But we already have a precision low volume pump. The problem is that we would like to automate the pump flowrate calibration as well as flowrate correction over the life of the tubing. We are hoping to compensate for the drift by speeding up the motor when the tube age. Since...
Does anyone have any information or know where I can find information on the analytical model of a peristaltic pump? I am trying to design a controller for a Peristaltic pump by monitoring the flowrate and back pressure.
Any help and/or reference would be great.
Thank you. :)...
Hi guys,
I am having difficulty co-relating a mathematical model to an actual experiment. And I’d wondering if someone can help. Please pardon my ignorance to the subject as I had minimal exposure to heat transfer. I am relying heavily on a heat transfer textbook by Incropera and DeWitt.