@Sincker...Yes you understood it correctly. As per attached spread sheet, With a shaft velocity reduced to 1.2 m/s, the airflow delivered to the lobby is even slower as compared to the original scenario. This lower velocity may impact the system's ability to maintain the required pressure...
@LittleInch..I will send you requested details but can you please advise how much minimum velocity is acceptable in the shaft. I have attached the comparison table.https://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=5c5fed79-376d-472d-bfad-6ab607a7435f&file=Lobby_Press_Shaft_Review.xlsx
In my current project, builder has removed the partition wall between staircase / lobby ventilation shaft and plumbing shaft to make it a single shaft. Basically, they have increased the masonary shaft which is serving the staircase pressurization, before this shaft was split...
I do agree on keeping the fan at 100% rather than turning down to 30 % with VAV as such large variation in air flow may lead to the controls and operational issues and it is difficult to sent the VAVs. ON / OFF cycling of fan cannot be allowed as this project is located in gulf country where we...
The problem is not so simple which can be easily resolved by simply considering VAV system in DX package units
It's clear that studios experience considerable fluctuations in their cooling requirements. While a studio may need full cooling power when it's in use, such as when all lights are on...
Recording studios typically experience varying load profiles, fluctuating between partial and peak loads. When considering the implementation of fixed airflow DX package units for air conditioning within such environments, it's crucial to assess the implications, especially in scenarios where...
Please see the https://res.cloudinary.com/engineering-com/image/upload/v1708756882/tips/CIBSE_Guide_B-Heating_ventilating_air_conditioning_and_refrigeration_zhddcl.pdfattached document as requested.
Can anybody explain to me the lighting heat gain in the studio as per below CIBSE Guide B table? It seems very significant heat gain.
@SAK9: I think a properly designed control system of a VPF system can satisfy the cooling requirement of a large multi-tower project but we need to explore this opportunity.
@Moinbeen: If we opt to incorporate individual heat exchangers for each tower within the primary Variable Primary Flow (VPF) system, it is imperative to acknowledge that this modification would preclude the classification of the system as a VPF system. This deviation arises from the inclusion of...
I am currently working on a project where the calculated load is determined to be 1000 Tons, and we are applying a diversity factor of 75%, resulting in the selection of a chiller with a capacity of 750 Tons.
I am seeking guidance on achieving chilled water balancing, both on the primary and...
I am seeking clarification on the practical implementation of chiller plant diversity. Specifically, when a chiller plant is chosen with a 75% diversified load, indicating that the chiller sizing is based on 25% less capacity. However, upon calculating the combined chilled water flow rate in a...
I am currently conducting a review of the HVAC design for a project comprising three high-rise towers situated at a single location. These towers are air-conditioned by a singular variable primary flow chiller plant with a total capacity of 15,000 tons. My concern lies in understanding how a...
Hotel will be built in hot and humid climatic conditions in the middle east. As per the life style of peoples here, they always expect very low space temperature in summer and this is the main reason why we need to consider 20 C space air temperature in the guest rooms. Good quality insulation...
I am presently engaged in the HVAC design for a hotel encompassing numerous guest rooms. The directive I received stipulates that the air conditioning system should be designed to achieve a minimum space temperature of 20°C for the guest rooms. It's noteworthy to mention that to maintain such a...