Sorry I haven't replied in a while. I was out of town working, but to answer your question...
Exactly what I am needing this for is:
I have different names in a drawing such as "vm5-10" and "um5" for example. I need autocad to count one, two, three...
Thanks for the reply!
I regret to say that I am not a CAD master quite yet. When I'm in CAD, what do I type in the command line to get to the proper place to enter the script (I've never had to do anything like this before.)? Does it matter if the script is in English or Spanish? I've been...
I am trying to figure out what I need to do in order to have MS Excel count text entries in my CAD DWG's. I'll try to make that a little more clear.
Say I have text in a drawing such as, 24 threes, 12 c's, 34 twos and so on... Is there a way to have Excel or CAD count these entries and export...