Look at the web sithttp://www.nitterhouse.com/BuildingSystems/BuildingSystemsSub/Residential.html
Also you may look at the link for the Precast Association. http://www.precast.org/specifiers/precast_products.htm
You may find help by researching the manufactures recommended procedures of Segmental Retaining Walls. In addition, there are many manufactures of the geogrid fabric that provide support for different applications. The idea that you present is possibly new to them but they may provide some of...
For my strucutural inspections of this type the ground conditions and the foundation construction loads capacity is most important. Then the supporting wood framing and finally the roof. This ia an over simplified explanation and a detailed report would investigate the structural changes that...
I am beginning the design of a concrete box culvert and I read the thread from tincan about the spreadsheets that he offered for the design. Will you send me an email of the spread sheets? In addition, if possible I would like to hear your opinion of the software that you purchased from American...
Eventually I set up this problem on RISA 3d usnig Links. The stress in the steel beam is 17.7 ksi and the stress in the timber beam is .85 ksi. the moment to the steel beam is 49.1 k-ft and the moment to the wood beam is 15.7 k-ft. After the initial beams are laid out on the computer...
I ratioed the E for steel to the E for wood 29/1.8=16.1, so the 1/4" steel plate is equivalent to a 4x6 board. Verify the bearing stress of the steel plate if on a timber support, the flinch plate ought to be connected securely to the wood boardss on each side, to create loading on a single beam...
A beam is constructed of a 12 inch deepx6.5 inch flange tapered flange beam and on top of it is a 9"x13" wood hem fir beam. Simple span 10'-6". The loads are three concentrated joist loads and a uniform load, from two 25,000 pound storage tanks for a liquid soap product. Individually the wood...
An unusual construction for a timber header for a room addition to an older duplex residential building. The header is built from two 2x8's and a 3/8" steel plate between the boards. Is it possible to ratio the modulus of elasticity for steel and wood to get an equivalent area of wood and...
You are i a catch 22, if you dispute the assignment with your supervisor then you create a bad impression and a suggestion that you may be incompetent. Then on the other hand if you take on the design then you think that you risk practicing beyond your area of competence. In my opinion that is...
one writer offered the several hudred psi, and another writer quoted tne tons per square foot. Interestinly , the values are 200psi and 139 psi respectively. frost heave is a result of the water in the ground freezing. water expands when it freezes to a maximum volume at around degrees F. The...