Thanks for the reply,
You have defined the issues clearly for me. The siding is actually very dense lumber, given that it is 140 yrs. old and well seasoned. If you hit with your hammer you don't dent it at all! I will however consider the issue of bending on the lags and probably cut the wood...
Fyfe Company in California has a UL approve fireproofing for composites. They are the only ones who have it. They hav e a 4 hour assembply for columns and a 2 hour for slabs I thinnk. Call Pete Milligan at Fyfe. Their URL is Tell Pete that eric says hi. E-
thanks for the input. I agree that guessing is not good engineering. The plan review board requires that the 1/2" lags be 6" oc. into blocking? How does the load transfer from the blocking into the studs into the foundation? They did not give any specification for the blocking attachement...
I am attaching a ledger for a 2nd floor framing system to a ballon framed farm house cira 1840, with rough cut 2x4 studs with german lap siding on the exterior. The design was to attach the 2x12 ledger thru the siding with 3/8" lag screws 2 per stud. the studs are 16" o.c. 20' engineered wood...