Have you completed any investigative work around efficiency of the existing ESP? Such as comparing operating data to OEM predictions, CAVT,...
Is the RAH performing up to expectations? If not, why not? If it is, increasing the RAH effectiveness should include a review of the effect the priamry...
Would anyone have allowable stess for BS3602 HFS 35 at 240 C?
As far as i have been able to determine this material was last listed in BS3602:Part 1:1962 and BS806 1963.
If anyone has this info I would appreciate it. If you have it, a copy of the data page would be great.
If it is erosion downstream of the water inject point, I would think the method of injecting water is not atomizing the spray water correctly. Often an inner wear liner is required downstream of the injection nozzle to protect piping against thermal shock and erosion.
Wouldn't a DA sized for 250C (482F), which has a saturation pressure of (570 psia), be extremely expensive? With not knowing much about your system - running the DA at 250C means BFW is at 250C which hurts plant efficiency since flue gas exit won't be below 550F and will cause steam to be...