I have a waste solvent/polymer stream that purges accumulated branched polymer from a process. Would like to recover solvent from waste polymer to reduce volume but doing so will invariably result in gelling of the stream. Could someone recommend equipment or technology that will enable...
Thank you, BChoate.
Yes, it is a polymer solution in ~80% solvent. I have considered the flash option. I'm anticipating some difficulty though with the formation of gel in the residual stream. We know that if we allow the branching fraction to exceed a few % in the solution, either through...
I have a waste solvent/polymer stream that purges accumulated branched polymer from a process. Would like to recover solvent from waste polymer to reduce volume but doing so will invariably result in gelling of the stream. Could someone recommend equipment or technology that will enable...
Thanks guys for your pointers. A lot has progressed since I posted the original question. We are about a week away from straping on one of those electronic jobs. I was up-front with the rep and told him that there was a lot of controversy over the 'validity' of the technology. He is letting...
I have an industrial process with aqueous CaCl2. Water continuously flows in and is flashed out of the system but the CaCl2 inventory does not turn over. Trace sulfur accumulates and winds up as Calcium Sulfate Anhydrite in the 150'c HX. Supersaturation is enevitable and the resulting scale...