I have two heat exchangers:
Tube side 75 psig @ 250 deg F for both exchangers.
Shell side 175 psig @ 250 deg F for the exchanger with 14 BWG MIN tubes; and Shell side 625 psig @ 250 deg F for the exchanger with 12 BWG MIN tubes.
What is the recommended tube wall reduction when 1" O.D. 14 BWG MIN or 12 BWG MIN admiralty tubes are expanded in the naval brass tubesheet of a shell and tube heat exchanger?
When you bolt two components together using a stud and one nut at each end of the stud, would you use one spring lock washer or two spring lock washers (one for each nut) to prevent the nuts from coming loose. Why?
I am designing a vessel to ASME SECT VIII DIV 1 with a toriconical head and a toriconical jacket on the outside. Both cones are made of the same material. The inner cone is 1 1/4" thick due to external (jacket) pressure. The outer cone is 1/2" thick. I am trying to reduce the thickness of...