Thanks Metengr...I have another question...Does procedure qualification of P1 Group 3 (approx 80 ksi) metal qualify welding of P1 Group 2 or 1 (approx 65 /70 ksi)? I ask this on the basis of comparative strengths
Need some direction here.
Can I qualify a procedure for AISI 4130 to a P1 Group 2 material and be qualified to weld AISI 4130 to a S1 Group 2...and if so can you direct me to some part of the ASME IX that reflects this, as I refer to some standard or code to justify this ?
We are welding 5/16" mild steel plate on the top of a helideck to the top of W12x 16 beams with the spacing in between the beams are approximately 32". The fillet weld used is a 3/16" ("according to spec.") and we are using GMAW-S to minimise heat input. We are...
The AWS D 1.1 shows no grouping for this steel, what sort of rods can be used and where can I find guidance on similar non grouped materials for the AWS and ASME.
My mistake, but my problem still lies in Gr 1 to Gr 2 materials (AWS Groupings).I need to figure out whether a Welding Procedure can be qualified with these two different type materials.
I need to qualify a WPS with a P1Gr1 to a P1Gr2 material ie Pipe(Gr1) to plate (Gr 2) does the AWS D 1.1 allow for such ? If so please direct me to it in the AWS.