Hi All,
We are researching the use of PMI to move to an MBD environment. Our hope is to use PMI and display all dimensional constraints and notes in PMI views and inherit the PMI onto a drawing in phase 1. I cannot find a simple way to put a set of basic drawing notes into a PMI view and...
There are many ways to handle large assemblies. You can create Proximities to open certain parts of an assembly. You can create Lightweight Components etc.
Another way is to create JT files of the component or sub assy parts an open the JT versions for the areas of the Assembly you need to see...
As a Teamcenter DBA you only need to delete the Release by deleting POM objects. Highlight the status and delete. Then View The POM Objects using the Reference POM Objects filter in the viewer highlite and delete.
I would say YES! Once a Drawing is in a released state and in circulation, if the drawing is revised for any reason and the change is not documented, how would one know what the proper version of the drawing is? If audited how would you defend the change? How could you easily prove that the...
Change Management processes can consume a lot of time to get through a change / review cycle. We have 2 Release processes in our company.
a) Engineering Release for Dev/Limited Product
b) Product Release for pure production.
We struggle with the serial-ness of the processes and I'm...
What makes an employee invaluable? That's a great question.
I believe its the intangibles he / she brings to bear in the job.
We can all hire well-qualified, capable people to retire in place so to speak. Recognizing candidates or people in your organization who have those qualities is the...
Thanks for all the replies. Even the hilarious ones.
PMI is the abbreviation for Product Manufacturing Information. I'm looking at embedding PMI into the Solid Models to get the factory on line earlier in the process. PMI would constitute the adding GD&T and Critical Dimensions that drive the...
I'm curious. Since CAD's inseption during the 80's & 90's many companies simply electronified (if there is such a word) their design drafting processes. In the 21st Century will there be a paradigm shift from tradtional design drafting groups? What efficiences will traditional Design Drafting...
Actually there are many scientists that believe the converse is happening and that Global cooling is more prevelant and dangerous than warming. Crops will not have the seasonal growing temperatures needed during their germination stage.
I agree with "fgbrender". Do you release your revisions?
I'm unclear about the need to revise Rev "A" while modifying Rev "B"? If you revised Rev "A" while working on Rev "B" how would you flow down those changes?
Anyway...In the Business Modeler you can set a rule for the Number of Working...
I would highly recommend you upgrade to Tceng v9.1.2.10
There were a number of fixes. Its a very stable version, and the upgrade is simple. Its basically just an xcopy.
It has PLMXML and Multi-site fixes as well. As far as vaulting data, we vault all types of dataset types.
Sorry to here your having problems with Teamcenter. Our company (Moog Inc)has been using Teamcenter (aka: iMan) since 1997-98. While we've certainly worked thru some issues, I think Teamcenter is great. If we were using UG/NX native and maintaining / managing UG Load Options, paths, Manual...
The first question that needs to be asked is "What requirements has your customer requested of the data?"
If they only expect Solid Model Data void of parametric intelligence then use a STEP translator. The cost is minimal, the licens is obtained thru UGS, and less costly than having a 3rd...
Yes and no to editing the file. You can edit the file but I had a similar problem and it was caused by a manual edit to the file.
Rename the file and try re-creating the que from PQMGR.
Let me know if that solves your problem.
Jay Peterson
Moog Inc.
I would try this.
1. Try creating a new que pointing to the same device.
2. Do not use the switch AR.
3. Send the file to the new que and look for the Plot File
4. Start The que and see if it releases the file to the que.
5. If it does then the problem may reside at the printer or print...