Caincad - We exprrienced this same problem and found the solution right here in the Eng-Tips web site. If I understand your problem, the number of layers in your drawing has exceeded the limit set in the "maxsort" systen variable. To get your layers to come up alphabetized, type...
Thanks for everyone's assistance in trying to figure out how to screen lines when plotting in AutoCAD 2002. I knew there was an easy way using the software and there was. It is as follows:
Go to Page Setup, then Plotter, Config, and then hit the properties button. When the dialog box comes up...
Wanted to send off a quick thank you to all who responded to my request for help on screening lines. Haven't had a chance to try the fix's yet, but will post which one (or combination) I get to work.
Thanks a bunch
I am a little embarrased to be asking what seems to be a simple question, but since we're brand new to AutoCAD 2002 (just upgraded from v14) I need help.
We do civil engineering drawings for site development and need to show our existing features (topo, buildings, ponds,etc) with a faded...
Hey, you guys are great! Maxsort worked! As our files grew, the alphabetizing layer thing became a problem. Increasing Maxsort did the trick. Patrick says he owe somebody lunch! Thanks a bunch to all.
Hey everyone,
New to EngTips - first post, so bear with me.
We are still running v14 and have a problem with the layer list in the "Layer & Linetype Properties" dialog box ("layer" command).
After inserting an x-ref into a drawing, the layers in the "Layer & Linetype...