I read that time-varying magnetic fields also cause power dissipation in the form of eddy currents (induction currents flowing in nearby ferrous material) and hysteresis losses (magnetization). I'm now thinking that the losses due to eddy currents and magnetization would occur whether or not...
I would suggest that the maximum working hp be lower than 200 in order to draw less than 300 Amps through the conductors. From my experience, 300 Amps would probably call for a 1.5" cable in most industries anyway (that's a large-sized cable in my opinion).
The clamps in question are Unistrut's Cush-A-Clamps (as in the above pic), and ideally, we would like metal for strength in our application.
As a background, the current design calls for putting two of these side-by-side (but not touching). A circuit phase will go through each of these, and...
Hmmm ... I was actually intending to clamp a single phase. Would you consider the clamp to be acting as a ferromagnetic core or as a short-circuited secondary winding to the main cable? Either way, would insulating part of the clamp (ie. using a non-metallic bolt) eliminate heating almost...
I'm planning to run a 500 Amp 60Hz AC line, secured to the ground by short 2" steel clamps spaced at certain intervals. If the clamps I used went around the whole cable and were closed metallically via a bolt, would there be any significant induced currents flowing in the...