I am working on a job where we have an existing glycol piping network that has not been used for many years. For this job we are adding on to this glycol system and tying into 2 new chillers. We are recommending that the whole system be purged of the old glycol and refilled with new, but the...
I would like to know, when designing an air cooled condensing air conditoining system (i.e. Liebert, they
recommend having a shut-off valve on the liquid side down
near the evaporator. Can this valve be an ordinary ball
valve or does it have to be refrigerant rated? What are
some good...
I am designing a fuel pumping system which is supplying 3 generators. Each generator is fed separately off of the piping loop. Upstream of each generator is a solenoid valve, which will open and close depending on which generator calls for fuel. Is there a solenoid valve out there with a...