I have actually found a solution since I posted.
I explode all multiline text until the text is single line. blocks that contain text need to be exploded as well.
use a font which is quite common (ie. arial). save as a dxf. before importing in Catia V5, change the settings for dxf import (tools...
I need to transfer an Autocad (2005 or earlier) 2d drawing to a customer who uses Catia V4 or V5(R?). We have tried dwg, dxf, iges step and HPGL. All failed because of the text. it ends up all over the place and not the right size.
Would any body have suggestions?
Benoit Botton
I've been using Algor for a few month now and the interface with Inventor 7 works fine. I run Inventor and Algor on Different machines. I had to install an Algor utililty on the Inventor machine. Since then, I just click a button in the Inventor tools menu to export the geometry to Algor...
I haven't used the online training as such because of a slow connection. But I have a few of their webcasts on CD-rom. The information in there is defenitely useful. I just found it difficult to follow at times. It is not easy to have the video and algor running side by side and actually...