Don't sweat it. You get to do all kinds of tasks in a small company. Maybe you will turn out being skilled at collections which will help your check clear. You may grow into a great structural engineer which could earn you a good salary in a big company, but in a small company even if you...
Your title topic and your stated need are confusing to me. I don't believe a metal of any type will not be found that will simply compress 5% and rebound, much less one with a high modulus. This naturally leads one to the selection of a spring design. Greg suggests a Ti valve spring. This...
Thanks for your thoughts. I like the idea of examining, analyizing, and/or testing the lower bound. I agree that a single-span single-sheet at the top of the arch would represent a lower bound. The single sheet approach is especially appropriate because the corrugated form of the sheet...
I am looking for information that would help me determine the span increase in a corrugated metal roof deck that could be afforded by its installation across bowstring trusses. The transverse curvature due to the wrap of the panel around the radius of the arch will clearly increase the moment...
Just an observation about expoxies. The glass temperature or the temperature that it will creep/flow/wilt/etc. is generally about 50F above the cure temperature. That is why generally, you see aerospace products oven cured and/or autoclaved. I would not reccommend any earth bound epoxy bonded...
I like b. csi above. Their deep-dek offers an overlapping flange that can be screwed together from above so that there is no visible interuption of the surfaces from below. Yes, the material will cost more than the 1.5 or 3" deck, but not only are you eliminating the structural complexity to...
Thanks HG for setting me straight. The last link worked and is very clear. I'd guess future erection plans call for removal of the first girder if the second can not be set in place right away.
This thread is pretty old, but I just came across it and did not see mention of a cause I heard on a TV news story. Bear in mind that reporters don't always get it, but the root cause as I heard it was that the beam had been set in place reversed which made the designed bracing impossible to...
I think the rebar could be x-rayed in situ. While outside the scope of most normal building special inspection. I have had large x-rays taken using portable radiation sources and film placed on the opposite side of the object of interest. I also like the thermography concept but I think if...
I have been typing up drawing notes up in MS Word and inserting them as OLE ojects. I would like to be able to have the numbers appear in a circle and also be able to have the number in a circle as the text of a leader. Does anyone know how to do this.
Many thanks for you help Corn
Thanks to all for your suggestions. Here is what I found out: LT will not accept a file name with a space in it. Their suggested fix is to rename adding quotation marks around the original file name. This may work in some circumstances, but NT will not accept file names with a litany of...
Thanks for your help. I don't think it is an age or version issue. LT97 should read and write R14 files which most vendors use. I believe my problem is procedural. I have simply never used imported material before and believe I am just having trouble getting started. Jon
I am using LT 97 and Windows NT. I would like to import details from vendor CDs into my drawing. LT will not let me open the vendor detail .dwg details from the CD. It tells me that the file has illegal names. The manual talks about using quotation marks around the file names but after...