Could we agree that the Pd= I2^2*r’2*(1-s)/s IM equivolent circuit falls apart here, and that we should analyze this in the d-q frame in the rotor reference frame?
If so, we can revert back to rotor flux cross rotor current.
this should allow us to detemine the flux -> back emf -> rotor...
It's about the energy;
I've read that the energy payback on energy invested in the oilsands projects in Canada is about 5. Is this in the ballpark? Can a petro engineer give us some guidance on this number?
Contrast that to the energy payback time of 3-4 years for PV, or 3-4 months for utility...
I might be a bit partial, but try
and take a look around,
the courses portion of the site needs an update,
(some to be added)