Thanks for the tips we have a multi meter that we will use this weekend to test all breakers etc (see if when a load is introduced what happens, any voltage to ground etc.)
I have to ground connections to my plumbing - one from the panel that checked out cleaned up and reset. the other between...
Besat is a typo (supposed to be Beast)It just measures the votage coming into the house and puts a load on it to see what happens.
I was talking with a buddy(building maintenance guy) He is going to bring over a multimeter of some sort. So we will test out the draw on the motor and see if we...
I have asked the neighbors and they are ok.
I had the utility put a besat meter on our service and check all connections. It was Ok so not a supply problem.
I was of the conclusion at one time that it only happened when it was damp or rainy out, but that was also when it was cooler and the...
My house has intermitant power brown outs. Such as digital clocks reset, stereo or TV turns off.
Checked all outlets with testor.-OK
tightened all connections on breaker panel. -OK
Had enmax check supply to the house. - OK
I have narrowed it down to the furnace.(if it is off or not running -...