Don't forget the real breakthrough of the Prius is its extremely radical transmission design.
Basically, the Prius has no clutch, it's direct drive from crankshaft to wheels; nothing but gears. It has infinitely variable speed reduction, which allows it to work without a clutch...
Hi Chris,
Welcome to the world of Harley ownership.
If your bike still has the stock waste fire "dual fire" ignition, that could likely be the problem. If the coil has 2 low voltage connections, it's dual fire, 3 terminals (or dual coils) for single fire. Just about any cam change requires a...
Hey bfhamr, if you want something to check out quickly, I would focus in on terminal 12 in the picture. That seems to be the return line for the flyback diodes (verify that); that sad looking resistor r29 in the picture could get overworked like that if the return line has a problem. The return...
OK, thanks for that OperaHouse, makes much better sense now. Have to wonder about using charge caps though, if they drift over time to a low value, then the outputs might not fully saturate. Wonder if they're using electrolytics?
Bob D
If you look closely enough at the schematic, it's clear it can't work as drawn, I guess that's what some of the dotted lines are supposed to mean; missing parts. For example, the driver stage can never swing positive enough to turn on the outputs the way its drawn. Just wondering what purpose...
Thanks to everyone who responded to this.
Unfortunately, it does look like GM's error figures were based on actual measurements of their early hardware, rather than "first principles". At least their error numbers are greater than expected, probably due *mainly* to the latency in their...
Spark angle is calc by the ecu as time (rather than degrees) from a reference point. So if last 90 deg reference period was 15ms, then a 45 degree spark advance would fire 7.5ms in the future. But under constant acceleration, 45 deg is no longer 7.5ms but something shorter, so spark firing will...
Some time ago, GM published a chart for the (then new) LT1, supposedly showing the effects of using various crank references per revolution on spark timing error. There's a copy (5th chart down, click to enlarge) at
This chart shows an...