The vast majority of the system expansion alternatives that you pour your life into studying and developing never get built. This is due to many factors such as costs, obtaining rights-of-way for lines, getting permits or maybe the project driver (such as integrating a new generator) goes away...
Has anyone seen a phase unbalance of the scale of 575 Amps, 380 A, 370 A (these currents are estimates but close to actual) at the output of an AC synchronous generator?
A methane gas (dairy digester) powered CAT engine running at 1200 rpm provides power to a 5 MVA generator. The generator step...
Have two 55 MW, 13.8 kV, hydro, synchronous generators and want to interconnect them to the utilities 115 kV transmission system. What should be the GSU transformer's lowside voltage rating? Some engineers say 13.2 kV, other's say 13.8 kV (the generators terminal voltage).