If the data is all ready in the frequency domain, just divide each frequency line by jw. I suspect, if you were able to get the data into the frequency domain, you were using a program, and this program should have the ability to integrate in the frequency domain. Many even do the double...
Did you ever get your PIC and CF to work. I'm doing the same thing, and having difficulty. Mikroelektronika supply's CF routines with their board, which work great, but I'm using a different compiler. Mikroelektronika does not supply source code for their routines and I can't seem to...
The 7290 series is very good. Here are some others.
EnglishMuffin:sorry, but I have never heard of such a thing as a "steady state accelerometer" which "reads the acceleration due to gravity"
I think you need to get out more.[smile]
Thank-you alexit for boiling it down to a case of uniform circular motion for me.
As for electricpete and EnglishMuffin:
There are two basically two types of accelerometers. Steady-state accelerometers will measure from DC to several hundred hertz. Dynamic accelerometers measure from a few...
1. Some call it radial acceleration, I prefer normal. I mean perpendicular to the surface. If you ignore the steady-state acceleration due to gravity and only measure the acceleration due to rotation, in a perfectly balanced shaft it should be zero.
In reality, things are...
I have what I thought was a simple question, but am having difficulty obtaining an answer. Hopefully you all can help.
If an accelerometer were mounted so it could measure the normal acceleration of a perfectly balanced rotating shaft it would read zero. Now take that same shaft and make it...